Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The paranormal world.

On the night of November 13, 1974 the DeFeo family went to sleep in their home, except Ronald Defeo. Ronald took his father’s Marlin rifle and then moved about his home and proceeded to murder his parents, his two brothers, and his two sisters as they slept. All of the family was found in the same position, lying on their stomachs with their heads in their arms.

During his trial, DeFeo testified that he killed his family because voices in his head told him to do it. He said, "whenever I looked around, there was no one there, so it must have been God talking to me." Ronald "Butch" DeFeo was convicted of murder and sent to prison for his crime.
The house at 112 Ocean Ave., Amityville, New York, has tragic history from the murders that happenned there to the poltergeist activity, this house remains uninhabitable untill this day.......

Anneliese Michel the exorcism.!

Emily Rose es en realidad una joven alemana llamada Anneliese Michel. Desde su nacimiento el 21 de septiembre de 1952, Anneliese Michel disfrutó de una vida normal, educada religiosamente desde que era muy pequeña. Sin advertencia su vida cambió un día de 1968 . Poco después de comenzar los ataques, Anneliese empezó a ver imágenes diabólicas durante sus rezos diarios. Era el otoño de 1970, y mientras los jóvenes disfrutaban de las libertades de la época, Anneliese estaba atormentada con la idea de que estaba poseída, parecía no haber otra explicación a las imágenes diabólicas que se aparecían mientras rezaba. Voces empezaron a perseguir a Anneliese

diciéndole que iba a “achicharrarse en el infierno”. Ella le mencionó los “demonios” a los médicos solo una vez, explicándoles que habían comenzado a darle ordenes. Los doctores parecían incapaces de ayudarla, y Anneliese perdió las esperanzas en que la medicina podría curarla. Lo ultimo que le dijo Anneliese a sus exorcistas fue; “rueguen por el perdón” y a su madre le dijo; “mamá tengo miedo”. Anna Michel grabó la muerte de su hija al DIA siguiente, el primero de julio de 1976.En la actualidad su tumba permanece como un lugar de peregrinaje para rezar el Rosario por aquellos que creen que Anneliese Michel luchó valientemente contra el demonio.

"WOW" Ghost car i cant explain it maybe u cant either.!
police video of a car chase where the car disappears through a fence
this is a good video maybe u want to watch it 2,3 times...

A ghost on the hallway, u need to look closely to see it...

This video is a bit long but it's worth watching...

Some ghostly pictures, i like this video alot and maybe you to..

Blue ghost, don't know what to think about it so just take a look.!

Pink ghost, good video i think ghost comes in different tastes and colors...

In Portugal, 3 teenagers picked up a female hitchhiker in their car and were involved in an accident. Police reviewed the camcorder footage to find out what happened. And this is what they saw…

Ok take a good look at this video, this man claims he lives on house which has plentty of paranormal activity...

Other good poltergeist video, there are alot of poltergeist videos out there which people sometime's will ignore but this one contains good material...

This video Contains a lot of ghostly material etc......
This is worth watching, so far one of my faves..


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